Appletell reviews FileMagic for iPhone/iPod touch
Being the geek that I am, I generally have a USB flash drive alongside my keys, wallet and iPhone. When I began testing FileMagic, it felt strange not needing a flash drive too; everything I needed was simply stored on my iPhone. With the majority of file types supported, you’re unlikely to come across any issues while transferring files, as long as you have a WiFi connection and the extra software.
Labels: File Magic, iPhone, SplashData
PhoneFace for Android by Electric Pocket... a review
PhoneFace is a simple photo speed dial for your phone. While the graphic quality on Android is not the greatest, photos are a bit fuzy, but it is not bad (could also be a pre-cupcake release issue...). With Android 1.5 (Cupcake) PhoneFace is a nice widget on top of your window. As for where to get your photos, PhoneFace comes with a set of icons or you can use images you have on your phone, as well as your contact photos. But one of its best features is that you can retrieve photos of your contacts on Facebook and Twitter. This means anytime you want a new photo of a friend for their speed dial and contact, you can use PhoneFace to grab them from Facebook. And yes, if you update the photo of a contact's speeddial, their contact photo itself is updated.
So basically PhoneFace is basically a simple photo '
Rolodex' for your phone...
Labels: Android, Electric Pocket, PhoneFace
Review: SplashTravel for iPhone & iPod Touch
There are several features that make
SplashTravel a "no brainer" if you travel. The time tools are convenient, providing means for comparing the time in your current location to the time at home. Great so that you don’t call in the middle of the night, waking the newborn baby! Currencies and units can be converted on the fly, using the most recent exchange rates. Very helpful so that you know exactly how much you are paying for that glass of iced tea. Additionally, the packing list, already populated with the most common items, can be tailored to specific needs.
Labels: iPhone, SplashData, SplashTravel
SplashTravel has your jet-setting back
Yeah, we've seen all-in-one utilities before, usually in the form of
calculators and converters. They've been good, of course, but this particular all-in-one app is aimed squarely at air travelers, and it seems to cover just about all of the possible bases you could want in a trip planner.
Labels: iPhone, SplashData, SplashTravel
Review of iCraig for iPhone
iPhone Alley:
iCraig is a great looking app for browsing Craigslist. Although the controls are very similar to how you would use the online version, the look is much classier.
Labels: iCraig, iPhone, SplashData
PhoneFace: Android G1 Speed Dialer & Contact Picture Synchronization
Facebook and Twitter have a lot of pictures of people who may be in your
T-Mobile G1 with Google contact list. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a way for your 3G enabled smart phone to go out to these services and synchronize the photograph attached to your contact with the one your friends use in either Facebook or Twitter? What if that app also operated as a speed dialer for you most frequently called people?
PhoneFace, released on Thursday, does just that.
PhoneFace allows you to synchronize the pictures of up to 50 of your contacts with Facebook and Twitter. The app allows you to add friends to be synchronized individually, add any existing contacts with pictures, all starred contacts, or add all contacts.
Labels: Android, PhoneFace
PhoneFace review
Mit PhoneFace von Electric Pocket wird das Anrufen, das Schicken von SMS oder das Senden von E-Mails an gespeicherte Kontakte vereinfacht. Die Anwendung bringt die Fotos der favorisierten Kontakte auf den Bildschirm und man kann darin mit dem Finger oder durch Bewegungen des Smartphones scrollen.
Labels: Android, BlackBerry, Electric Pocket, PhoneFace
iSamurai: Fight with your iPhone
iSamurai is a crazy two-player app that recreates real Samurai sword fighting without the flesh wounds or ritual disembowelment.
The app uses the
iPhone’s built-in motion sensor and accelerometer to tell where the iPhone is in space and make noises that suggest that you are fighting with swords. It connects to another player’s iPhone with peer-to-peer networking and looks pretty goofy. Clearly the concept of fighting with invisible swords takes a bit of skill and imagination but it’s a fascinating use of all of the iPhone’s motion features.
Labels: games, iPhone, iSamurai, Toy Kite Software
SplashMoney review
SplashMoney is a banking application that has versions for Palm, Windows Mobile, PocketPC, Blackberry and Windows. I had been looking for a good solution to keeping a checkbook and/or trying to guess how much was in my bank account. I wanted a computer application that I could sync with my iPod Touch. I also didn't want to spend a lot of time trying out all the various options. While I was considering this, I was given the opportunity to try out SplashMoney and I jumped at the chance.
Labels: iPhone, SplashData, SplashMoney
SplashID for BlackBerry Review
So basically, when you purchase SplashID (or any other SplashData product) you are getting two applications. One for your
BlackBerry, and own for your PC. The PC application adds a whole other level and puts this application far ahead of the other applications that do a similar job. In each the BlackBerry application and PC application there are a couple of different views that make it so easy to add data. I like this app too much honestly, I am having a hard time pointing out what my favorite part is!
Labels: BlackBerry, SplashData, SplashID