Monday, February 16, 2009

HanDBase for iPhone review

From GearDiary:

The iPhone is a wonderful and game changing mobile platform. Unfortunately the sad reality is many of the programs available for .99 are worth exactly what you pay for them. Perfect case in point. I’m in the market for some time collection software for my consulting work. I’ve scoured the Internet looking at many different “web 2.0″ services. Quite a few of them have free iPhone clients. All of them are slickly designed. Sadly almost every one is missing some major feature that made it unusable for me. Here’s where HanDBase comes in. This relational database software is available for Palm, Windows Mobile, Symbian, BlackBerry and now iPhone/Touch.

HanDBase bills itself as the worlds largest collection of Palm and Pocket PC databases (over 2,000 all freely available to you for download and use). Happily these databases work with all the different versions of the software including: iPhone, BlackBerry, Symbian S60.
The Palm and Pocket PC versons of HanDBase offer a forms design add-on ($14.99 additional) so you can create snappy looking data entry screens for your handheld.

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