File Magic for iPhone review
From guess who is walking around with a thumb drive in their pocket? If you said me, then yes you’re right. Did you really think that someone wouldn’t have figured out how to store files besides movies and music on that iPhone or iPod Touch of yours? I didn’t think so. Now before you guys jump all over me, I know there are other apps that do this, but none of the ones I’ve seen can match the simplicity of File Magic. From the same guys that brought you Splash Money, Wallet and ID, SplashData has now given us File Magic. This awesome bit of software is a file transfer utility that allows you to add any type of file on your iPhone or iPod Touch so you can access it where you have a WiFi connection. The only thing you need is the App and the Desktop transfer utility software (Mac or PC) This has helped me quite a few times while trying to take some stuff from work home.
File Magic is able to handle tons of file versions, and a few are even accessible on the phone while in transit. You do need to be on the same network as the computer hosting the files, but transfer couldn’t be easier.
Labels: File Magic, iPhone, SplashData
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