Saturday, August 02, 2008

Bangkok Post review of Ringo

The Bangkok Post newspaper in Thailand published a review of Electric Pocket's Ringo. Here are some excerpts:

"From my experience of using one and reviewing many, I know that Windows Mobile devices have their own strengths. Unfortunately, ring tone customisation isn't one of them.
On a vanilla WM unit, you can set only one personal ring tone for all incoming calls. And before you can do so, you need to add your favourite music files to the ring tone list in the phone settings. Why Windows Mobile asks you to go so far to accomplish so little is beyond me."

"Luckily, if you want to really customise ring tones and SMS tones on your WM device for caller ID purpose or simply just for fun - and who wouldn't - there are many utilities to choose from. Electric Pocket's Ringo is one of them. Here is a small utility that only does what it's supposed to do, nothing more, nothing less. But it does its job very well.

With clean and simple interface, ring tones and SMS tones can be quickly and easily assigned to each person, each group, or all incomings. Unlike Windows Mobile, Ringo lets you select any sound file from any directory - both on device and memory card, with ease. It also supports multiple file types (MP3, WAV and WMA), even for SMS tones.

In addition to ring tone management, Ringo is also capable of dealing with unidentified and unknown call groups. This ability, as well as its capability to silent selected incoming calls, makes it suitable for caller ID screening as well.

So if you want to customise your ring tones and SMS tones, give Ringo a try. It's a breeze to use."

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