Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Review of FlipSide MP3 Player for BlackBerry

From PalmAddicts:

I am a music and podcast junkie. Before I got my BlackBerry with a 4GB card, I always kept my iPod mini with me to listen to music on the go. After I got a 4GB card for dirt cheap on Black Friday, I decided to buy FlipSide for BlackBerry. They also make a Windows Mobile version as well, and I'll probably get that for my Epix too.

FlipSide is a really simple to use and read mp3 player. The first thing that you will notice is the simple navigation for the BB trackball. just flick the trackball, and you are scrolling through your albums on your memory card. Click to play. Can't get simpler than that.

For all of you fans of last.fm, this program also scrobbles your music to last.fm if you setup your account information.

I like this program so much better thant the media program on my Bold just for the album art, and it even searches for album art to use. FlipSide is definately a good way to get at your music simply, and I know I will be installing this on every BB and Windows Mobile device I have.

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