Friday, December 10, 2010

Best Personal Finance Apps for the iPad

From TabletPCReview:

SplashMoney is the last of the Quicken-style apps in our roundup, and in some ways it is the most polished. Like many of the others, budgeting and graphing features are included, but SplashMoney simplifies these to perfection -- concise, but still extremely useful, with your financial status available at a glance.

Once you set up your accounts and start entering transactions, you'll find that things keep getting easier and easier. Once you've set up a payee or a custom category or a recurring transaction, entries can be completed in just a couple of taps. That streamlined process is much appreciated, especially after seeing how convoluted that process can become in some other finance apps.

I also appreciate SplashMoney's ability to create custom reports by category, for a certain time period, for multiple accounts or for just one. If your financial institution allows it, you can even set up direct download for your accounts, so that you don't have to enter any transactions at all. There is also a desktop companion application available as a separate purchase, if you would like the flexibility of being able to manage your money on your iPad and your desktop. SplashMoney is a very good choice, and is definitely a powerful contender in this category.

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