App Review: BugMe! Pro for Android and BlackBerry
From Gizmo Fusion:BugMe! Pro is a great quick and easy note-taker and reminder for your BlackBerry and Android smartphone. You can jot notes, ideas and errands as you go and easily set any note as a reminder. BugMe! will sound an alarm and pop upan alert when its due.
Taking notes is quick, easy and flexible. BugMe!’s note taker recognizes web addresses, email addresses and phone numbers, so its easy to reach out from your notes to websites or make contact with people from the note.
For simple task management, you can flag your notes as urgent, or mark them off as done when they’re complete. BugMe!’s search tool lets you find notes with certain keywords or tags, and makes organizing and finding information simple.
Labels: Android, BlackBerry, BugMe, Electric Pocket
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