Sunday, August 03, 2008

WhatsoniPhone's interview with SplashData's Morgan Slain

SplashData is one of the leading providers of productivity software for the handheld device market. Founded in 2000, their applications can be found on a vast array of devices ranging from Palm/Treo and Windows Mobile to BlackBerry and Symbian – as well as desktop versions for both the Windows and Mac platforms.

The announcement that three of their best known applications (SplashID, SplashShopper and SplashWallet) would be available for the iPhone was well received by many who have become accustomed to using them on other smartphone platforms.

...we had the opportunity to interview SplashID’s CEO, Morgan Slain, via email. We were especially pleased to learn that these three initial releases are just a sampling of what’s to come.

Full interview here.

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