CrackBerry takes a crack at PhoneFace
When you hear the name Electric Pocket, what's the first thing you think of? Applications like Flipside, Ringo Ringtone Manager or FindMe for Facebook right? Well, try this one on for size; PhoneFace.PhoneFace takes attaching images to contacts one step further...well, maybe two steps. You're able to assign images found on your Berry, your Micro SD or even images from your contact's Facebook account. You can then browse through the images and find the contact you want. Navigation is similar to the smooth album cover flow that you would experience with Flipside. I was never big on Facebook, didn't even have an account until I reviewed the FindMe application. When I first learned about PhoneFace and its Facebook integration, I could almost hear Al Pacino in my head saying, "Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in."
Full review.
Labels: BlackBerry, Electric Pocket, PhoneFace
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